From John 9: The “Why” for Weakness

“‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ Jesus answered. ‘This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him.’” (v. 3)

Sometimes your situation is, in fact, a consequence. There is, in fact, such a thing as sowing and reaping. If you carry on in self-destructive, God-dishonoring behavior, you will, in fact, experience pain and frustration and fruitlessness.

Sometimes the things we’ve done are the things that got us here.

But not always.

You see, we are ultimately dependent. We are weak. In a sin-broken world, our things break, and we are left in pieces. You will be able to account for much of your pain and say, confidently and rightly, “I did not cause this!”

So why are things this way?

Because His power is revealed in your weakness.

Every time you are healed, He is magnified. Every time you are helped, He gets the glory. Every time you testify to His great mercy and care and salvation, His fame grows. Every time He proves faithful, the faithful rejoice, and worship happens.

The glory of God is made evident not just in His strength, but in our weakness.

That’s helpful to hear, when life doesn’t seem right—and when you don’t know why. The “why” is that He is still for us, for His glory.

— Tyler