From John 10: The Good Shepherd’s Good News

“My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.” (vv. 27-28)

Do you know His voice?

When you encounter Jesus in the Scriptures, and when you read of His compassion and His clarity and His calling, are you stirred?

Does the voice of Jesus move you—out of darkness, into light, with faith and repentance?

Then I have good news:

You are His.

That is the fundamental security we have in the Good Shepherd. He has us! The thief may whistle at you or whisper to you, but he can’t have you, for you are the Lord’s. The Father has sealed you for His Son, and you are secure, saved by a grace that is greater than any robber’s lies.

If you know Jesus’ voice and follow Him, no one can take you out of His hand.

That’s the Good News of the Good Shepherd.

— Tyler