From John 8: Truth and Freedom

“Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, ‘If you continue in my word, you really are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (vv. 31-32)

We all want to know more.

We’re convinced that knowledge is power. So we keep up with the news. We follow the talking heads. We subscribe to the right social accounts—especially those who claim to give you a peek behind the political and governmental veil. We think, “There is a truth we aren’t being told, and I’m going to find it, because I refuse to be a sheep.”

We think that knowledge is power, that that power is found in some secret truth, and that that power is freedom.

But what is true freedom?

It’s the truth of Christ.

And it is found in His Word.

If you abide in His Word—if you learn to cherish the revelation of His grace and the clarity of His teaching and the authority of His sovereignty—you will be free. Free from earthly concerns. Free from enduring fears. Free from the constant drag of mortality. If you abide in His Word, you will know a truth that is before and better than and beyond any of the things peddled by an anxious culture.

Might I suggest, then, hanging up on all the terrestrial “truths” that still shackle you to their feeds—and urge you back toward the Bible?

— Tyler