From Romans 4: Fully Convinced

“He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do.” (vv. 20-21)

Are you “fully convinced”?

God saves, in Christ. He forgives. He brings you into the family tree. What might otherwise have been narrowed to Israel is instead opened to all who believe, by grace. God saves us, and we receive hope here…and heaven forever. It is so abundantly and incomparably good.

Are you “fully convinced”?

Abraham’s example should convict us: He believed God’s promises—not perfectly, but persistently—even though what was promised was beyond all human reckoning. He was “fully convinced” that God would grow his family, open his wife’s womb, and give him an inheritor in his old age. It was so abundantly and incomparably good…

…and the man believed it.

What is extended to us in Christ, by grace through faith, is even better (and even more stunning). The only barrier between us and it is the matter of belief, of being “fully convinced.”

So…are you?

— Tyler