From Romans 5: Knowing Hope and Knowing Him

“This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (v. 5)

The hope of the Gospel is real, sure, and enduring.

How do you know it?

Because you know Him.

We could easily be accused of discounting the life, work, and presence of the Holy Spirit in us. We pray to the Father, and we testify to the Son—but the Spirit gets lost in our theological shuffle. Yet the Spirit remains our actual, vital, experiential relationship. All the times we are caught up in worship—all the times we sense the presence of Christ—it is actually the Spirit we are knowing, sensing, and experiencing.

And the Spirit assures us: God’s love is real. His hope is valid. His salvation is sure. His life is in us. God in Christ has poured this into our hearts by pouring Himself—the Holy Spirit—into us.

Remember that, and remember Him.

— Tyler