From Romans 3: Just

“God presented him to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so that he would be just and justify the one who has faith in Jesus.” (v. 26)

Here’s the thing you have to know about your God:

His holiness is unquestioned. His righteousness is undimmed. His Word is unchanging. And His judgment is sure.

It’s possible for that to be muted, if you present the Gospel wrongly. We can make it seem like, in Christ, those truths don’t really matter. We lean into His grace—and away from His right, righteous justice.

But sin—the human sin-condition, and every single sin it comprises—demands justice! The Good News of Christ is this: not that justice is erased, but that is has been satisfied, through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. We are justified by faith only because He bore God’s justice to the cross.

The Gospel of grace reveals to us a singularly wondrous mercy: God, in Christ, is just…and Justifier.

Don’t mute that.

— Tyler