From Acts 17: Upside Down

“These men…have turned the world upside down….” (vv. 6-7)

What is the message that turns the world upside down?

There is another King.

He isn’t a Caesar. He isn’t a ruthless politician. He isn’t a party figurehead full of empty promises.

He is Jesus: Savior, Worthy One, Sovereign.

When the Spirit drew you to Him, He turned your world upside down, didn’t He? You were freed from the cycle of mistrust and disappointment that every earthly king keeps you trapped in. Now your heart is free to worship rightly— in Spirit and in truth—because you have come to know the true King.

If that truth turned your world upside down, imagine what it will do for your neighbors, whose political signs and ever-evolving flags keep digging deeper holes in their hearts.

Will those who proclaim the King meet with cultural opposition? Certainly. But, even out of that culture, some will come to know life and light and hope, when they hear and believe. Their world will be flipped, too.

So let’s go, and let’s tell—and let’s trust the Spirit to draw them to the King, too.

— Tyler