“The Lord said to Paul in a night vision, ‘Don’t be afraid, but keep on speaking and don’t be silent. For I am with you, and no one will lay a hand on you to hurt you, because I have many people in this city.’” (vv. 9-10)
Are you familiar with the phrase, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Typically, the fear of “the worst that could happen” isn’t enough to stop us. We tend to realize that there is no big “worst” to be afraid of.
All of that changes, however, when it comes to evangelism.
We can dream up all kinds of little “worsts” on the way to sharing the Gospel: They’ll be mad at me, I won’t be able to answer their questions, it’ll cause trouble in my relationships, I’ll be an inferior example of my faith and my church, and so on. We fear conflict and controversy. So we conclude, “There are some worsts that could happen!”
And we stop before we even start.
May we be encouraged by the Spirit’s words for Paul, as he ministered in Corinth. The man was assured that God was with him, that he would not fall while being faithful, and that he should go on preaching the Word. The Spirit spoke that into Paul, reminding him that there is no “worst” that God will permit, when God’s people prove obedient.
We are surrounded by allies, and we are everlastingly upheld by our Lord. So start—and keep on—speaking this truth.
What’s the worst that could happen?
— Tyler