From Galatians 6: Tired of It

“Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” (v. 9)

Have you ever felt burned out in church?

It’s too many activities. Too many responsibilities. Too many offerings. There are so many things that are so strongly insisted—serve your church, love your neighbors, give and go with the Gospel—that it feels like too many things.

Let me be honest: Sometimes our weariness is the result of poor planning and frantic leadership. I’ll own that.

But that’s not the threat the Bible warns against.

The real threat, apparently, is that we will lose both vision and patience in the doing.

The Bible encourages us not to grow tired of doing good in these moments, and it does so while promising that the “why” will be known only later. Those who patiently trust that are the ones who press on.

That’s not an excuse for overdoing it. We are not called to unboundaried religious workaholism. But we are, in fact, called—to do Gospel good, to trust with patience, and to not give up.

Press on!

— Tyler