From 1 John 1: Gray Areas

“If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (v. 7)

You live in a world that insists on what the Word does not.

Just consider the state of our storytelling: There are hardly any heroes anymore. Everyone is at least some kind of evil. There are no good guys and bad guys. It’s all gray.

Or consider our politics: I hate to break it to you, but no one running is actually on the side of the Light. We are literally being told to select the lesser of two evils. Forget Red and Blue—it’s all gray.

That’s what the world has to offer.

But the Word?

It gives us dark…and the Light. It confronts all the ways we try to live “dark” while claiming “light.” It calls sin by name, it reveals the purity of Holy God, and it rejects the idea of “keeping a foot in both worlds.” It’s binary. Nothing is grayed out.

The question is, Are you living like that? Are you walking in the Light? Have you prayed, repented, and received the gift of fellowship with Jesus?

Or…are you dabbling in the dark, hoping that gray-area religion will be good enough?

Choose the Light, my friends.

— Tyler