From 1 John 3: Your Money and Your Mouth

“Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth.” (v. 18)

You know the phrase, “Put your money where your mouth is”?

Believers should do that.

I mean that pretty literally: We can’t be all talk. Not when the needs around us are so vast, and not when we have (comparatively) so much. We ought to be the generous, the selfless, and the cheerful-giver people. Your money ought to be where your mouth is.

And not just your money.

Your hands and your feet should go there. Your energies should go there. Your time should go there. Whatever you have to give in the margins—because, yes, you do have to take care of your household first—is where ministry must happen. That means both creating and stewarding those spaces. It’s a matter of biblical obedience!

Far be it from us to be the people who don’t serve others, meet needs, and give generously. Let’s be the people who live up to the goodness of the true Gospel by doing Gospel good.

— Tyler