“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (v. 8)
It’s quite the checklist.
You are called to persist in brotherly love—specifically in the church. You are called to hospitality whenever you gather with whomever you gather—on Sundays, and on the days in between. You are called to care for those in prison, though their offenses might offend you. You are called to purity in your marriage—which means you can’t bring lusting eyes and a wandering heart to bed with your spouse. You are called to limit the pull of money and things. You are even called to obedience under leadership in the church—even though those guys are living entirely by grace, same as you.
What a checklist!
How is it possible?
The Foundation:
Jesus Christ remains. He is unchanged and unchanging. He and His Word are sure. Jesus is our solid rock, our secure ground, the Cornerstone upon which our lives are set.
And if He is there—if He lives up to His promises to be with you and live in you and lead you into life and truth (and He does)—you can do these things. You can step out in faithfulness, because He undergirds your steps. And you can come home to morality, because doing what He says builds a home that stands.
You can do these things because He is, and He will be, for you.
— Tyler