From 1 Timothy 1: Bottom Lines

“This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’  — and I am the worst of them.” (v. 15)

When you consider our testimonies—each and every one of us—there’s a remarkable bottom line:

Salvation is a miracle.

Redemption is a gift.

What we have been given in Christ is grace, pure and simple.

Do you sympathize with Paul, like I do? If I dare to come anywhere close to an accurate accounting of my sin—what I have done and what I have thought and what I have said that violates God’s good instruction—the only logical conclusion is that I am the worst of sinners. It’s an overwhelming weight. It’s immense guilt. Thank goodness we aren’t subject to comparison, but I am confident that any comparison would mark me as the sinner of sinners.

Yet Christ died for sinners. Yet Christ died for me.

The bottom-line of our testimonies illuminates the height of His goodness, in the Gospel.

Does that comfort you, the way it comforts me?

— Tyler