From Mark 13: The End

“Jesus told them, ‘Watch out that no one deceives you.’” (v. 5)

Do you ever wonder about the end?

About history’s closing act? About tribulation and persecution and desolation? About Jesus’ righteous return, and about the joy and the judgment He will bring?

Honestly, it would be weird if you didn’t wonder about it.

Here’s the thing: There’s a big difference between prayerful pondering and preoccupation. We are meant to be attentive and alert, trusting the authority of the Word while we wait. But there’s a risk: It’s really easy to give the end all of your attention, to troll websites and YouTube videos in search of clues, and to even trust not-Jesus voices as authorities.

Can I just urge you to limit that, to trust Him, and to live with Gospel urgency (rather than looking for secret signs)?

That’s the surest way through every deceiving distraction.

— Tyler