From Mark 12: How to Miss the Point (in Two Easy Steps)

“Jesus spoke to them, ‘Isn’t this the reason why you’re mistaken: you don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God?’” (v. 24)

Here’s how you can miss the point (in two easy steps):

First, you discount the Scriptures: If you count the revealed Word of God, given of His Spirit through inspired authors, as something less that, then you’ll end up missing the point of earth and of heaven and of everything in between. You’ll miss that it is His, for His glory, and that we’re meant to worship in His light here and forever.

Second, you discount His power: If you diminish God’s sovereignty (while elevating your opinion), you’ll end up missing the point of the life He gives, by grace. You’ll miss that He saves, that death is not the end, and that we are bound for His all-things-new life.

These are plainly revealed by His words in His Word.

All you have to do to miss it is discount the Bible—and the power of the One who gave it.

— Tyler