From 1 Corinthians 3: Coworkers

“So, then, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” (v. 7)

What does it mean to be God’s coworkers?

Well, for starters, it means recognizing your role as it relates to Him—and He (not you) is the Savior. No matter what you are called into (ministry, mission, day-in day-out faithfulness in your life) you cannot save those you would reach. Salvation always belongs to the Lord.

So how are His coworkers, then?

Our part in His Kingdom work is our faithfulness to His bigger picture. Your task is to speak, share, give, and invite as He opens opportunities to you—regardless of the outcome. You may be planting a seed. You may be watering among those who have already heard. You may even be there when the Holy Spirit beings life from their soil. But He is always the one who saves; you are, by grace, a co-laborer on the way.

Does that take the pressure off you? Yes. But does it take the responsibility away. No.

Go, then, and serve with joy in the field. God is there, too. Who knows how He will use your work alongside?

— Tyler