From 1 Corinthians 2: Overcomplicated

“I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” (v. 2)

Don’t overcomplicate the message.

We tend to do that. We tend to make all kinds of religious invitations. We urge our neighbors toward morality and generosity and general “good personhood.” We debate the finer points of polity and interpretation.

Maybe some of that is the fruit that grows as we mature under the message. But none of that IS the message!

So don’t overcomplicate it.

The message is just this: Christ crucified. Jesus, given for us. His cross, borne in our place.

The substitutionary, sacrificial, sufficient death of Jesus, the Son of God, is our testimony. His resurrection secures life for us, forever. Yet His crucifixion remains as the heart of the Gospel.

So it is that we proclaim His death until He comes again.

Don’t overcomplicate the message.

— Tyler