From Acts 8: Dabbling

“As they were traveling down the road, they came to some water. The eunuch said, ‘Look, there’s water. What would keep me from being baptized?’” (v. 36)

Permit a clear encouragement from the Word today:

You’ve dabbled long enough. You’ve circled the edges, you’ve dipped your toes in, and you’ve counted yourself among God’s people. You have heard the Good News of Jesus, and you have taken steps in belief.

But you’ve held off on all-in.

Whether it’s baptism or church membership or daily devotion—whether it’s serving or giving or going—you’ve slowed your steps.

Hear, then, the example of a pagan outsider who heard the Word and believed: the Ethiopian official, upon encountering the Gospel, immediately dives in. He takes that first identifying step, which is baptism, then he goes home rejoicing. He doesn’t hold off, doesn’t shop for the perfect church, doesn’t presume he can worship on his own terms. He’s all in!

So, my friend, will you follow his example? Will you stop dabbling, and take the plunge?

Because that’s what the radically redeemed do.

— Tyler