“God turned away and gave them up to worship the stars of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets….” (v. 42)
Here’s a weird truth about misplaced worship:
When you give your heart—and your time, and your attention—to things that are NOT God, He doesn’t zap you. He doesn’t give you what you deserve, which is judgment, then and there.
Instead, He gives you…whatever it is that you get from what you worship.
Which is nothing, really.
So you get silence when you wanted wisdom. You get emptiness when you hoped for comfort. You get the fleeting rewards of money or property or sensuality—but none of it carries the weight of heaven, of the things that last.
You get to the end, and find that all you have is self, and the stuff of earth.
That’s what it’s like to be given over to your idols. It’s a life spent for spiritual bankruptcy.
Choose Him instead.
— Tyler