From Proverbs 21: The Big “Why” for Proverbs

“No wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel will prevail against the Lord.” (v. 30)

The Book of Proverbs is rich.

It teems with verses of practical value. It teaches us, in tidy phrases, how to live in the light of God’s revelation. It tells us the truth.

It’s a little bit like drinking from a firehose, though. Every time I turn here, I feel like there’s never enough time to really reflect on each insight.

So why do I keep coming back?

Because of this: “No wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel will prevail against the Lord” (Prov. 21:30).

There is nothing else nowhere else that can teach, equip, or help me like the Word of God. The big “why” for the Book is its unfailing revelation of an indomitable wisdom.

So keep turning here, and keep drinking it in—because every other wisdom falls impossibly short.

— Tyler