“Therefore, I am going to persuade her, lead her to the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.” (v. 14)
In one the Bible’s most striking prophetic pictures, Hosea illustrates God’s love for His people…
…in the face of our adultery.
It’s probably pretty familiar to us, spiritually speaking: We, though we are made by and made for God, have given our hearts to so many lesser things. We have spent our love and our lives on the stuff of earth. We have worshiped the worldly. We have neglected His sovereign and good faithfulness, and have returned unfaithfulness to Him.
We are the adulteress Hosea reveals.
And, in the text, it is made plain: We reap what we sow. The good things God provided evaporate. Security vanishes. The peace that comes with mutual, convenanted love vanishes. It’s a right and righteous judgment for a people who turn their backs to God.
But! Hosea is given the Good News! God, because of His fierce love, will still speak to His wandering beloved. And He will welcome us home, if only we would turn in repentance. Our return to faithfulness is a homecoming afforded by His grace.
We, the adulteress, have a lot to learn in Hosea—and it’s a gracious lesson.
— Tyler