From Psalm 132: Two Things

“May your priests be clothed with righteousness, and may your faithful people shout for joy.” (v. 9)

In the church—in the House of the Lord—there ought to be two things.

There ought to be upright ministers. Those who serve Him, by grace, ought to cherish righteousness. They ought to model a morality that has been utterly reoriented to the Savior. Perfection is an impossible standard, but those who have been sanctified by the Spirit ought to pursue an ongoing sanctification, even as they lead and teach and invite with grace.

And, in the church…

…there ought to be outright worship. No one should be confused about the heartbeat of the gathering. The joy-filled praise, the willing attention, and the gracious community of the church ought to testify to the goodness of the God they worship.

Upright ministers. Outright worship.

Does your church measure up?

— Tyler