From Psalm 130: Imagine If

“Lord, if you kept an account of iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that you may be revered.” (vv. 3-4)

Imagine the “if” of Psalm 130.

Imagine that the God who knows all of our transgressions counts them and only them.

Imagine that heaven’s ledger shows a detailed record of all our sin-debts—with no balance in sight.

Imagine if He kept an account of our iniquities.

Because…He does.

But that’s not all He counts. His own grace, which is shown to us in Christ, changes the math. If our accounts were all debits and zero credits—which is all we could ever transact on our own—then we’d be doomed. But God has given us His Son, and His Son has overwhelmed the debt of sin by His own finished work, and He has given us an inexhaustible deposit of righteousness through His mercy.

Imagine if the accounting was human and hopeless.

Then be grateful that it isn’t, by grace.

— Tyler