“I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.” (v. 11)
You can try a lot of different things.
You can change the channel. You can block those sites and delete those apps. You can journal your penitent prayers. You can wrestle your words away from arrogance and toward love. You can put the cookies on a higher shelf.
You can try a lot of different things to keep your heart from sin.
But there is only one sure defense:
Get more of God’s Word into your heart.
The more you know—the more you remember, the more you treasure—God’s Word, the less likely you are to err. The more you permit His voice to speak, the less likely you are to ignore Him. The more you open yourself to His instruction and His authority, the less likely you are to chart your own deadly course.
God’s Word, in your heart, is your defense against sin.
Let’s devote ourselves accordingly.
— Tyler