“The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many troops for me to hand the Midianites over to them, or else Israel might elevate themselves over me and say, ‘I saved myself.’” (v. 2)
When it comes to radical obedience…
When it comes to going for God’s Kingdom…
When it comes to engaging your neighborhood and the nations with the Gospel…
…what holds you back?
(Probably a hundred things, but stay with me here.)
Whether we are on mission or simply ministering locally, a lot of us are a lot more willing…if there are a lot of us. We find strength in numbers. We are more confident in the crowd. We will go and do, so long as we’re surrounded and strengthened by our friends.
But, if that’s so, what does that say about our reliance upon God?
The strength for our mission can’t come down to whoever and how many are with us in the fight. If it’s always a strength-in-numbers proposition, we’ll never minister faithfully on an individual level. We’ll let the daily calling pass us by, we’ll sit put in our fears, and we’ll miss an untold number of mission moments.
So let’s push out bravely. Let’s let the Lord be our strength and our salvation, and let’s let His faithfulness drive our obedience. Don’t wait for strength in numbers—because strength is in Him, which means it is in you, by His Spirit.
— Tyler