From Ecclesiastes 1: Know It All

”I applied my mind to examine and explore through wisdom all that is done under heaven. God has given people this miserable task to keep them occupied.” (v. 13)



Social feeds.

Twenty-four hour news networks.


Have you ever thought about just how much you’re taking in, in pursuit of knowledge?

We always want to know a little more: more trivia, more current events, more about what they’re doing and what they’re saying and what’s going on. We occupy ourselves by chasing more and more input, as if knowing more and knowing it all will somehow satisfy us.

The testimony of the Scriptures reminds us that someone already tried that once—made it his life’s pursuit to know more and know it all—and he was miserable.

This is why all knowledge isn’t the ground for our peace; knowledge of the Savior is. We don’t have to have every book in our heads, just this Book. Information can help us operate in this world, but it can’t satisfy us.

So, instead of trying to know it all all the time, maybe trust what you do know, in Christ—and stay out of the know-it-all’s pit.

— Tyler