”Lord, bring us back to yourself, so we may return; renew our days as in former times, unless you have completely rejected us and are intensely angry with us.“ (vv. 21-22)
Jeremiah’s Lamentations speak to us from a painfully familiar place….
Here, at the intersection of sin’s consequences and our own sorrow, there is a cry. Can I even come home to God? When we have reaped sin’s awful fruit—and when we have finally realized that we’re the ones who sowed it—we wonder if all of it adds up to complete rejection.
But take heart.
The LORD has done the work to bring us home, in Christ. The atonement is accomplished. The resurrection is real. Forgiveness is here, by grace, through faith. When you find yourself in sin’s sorrow, you are really at the returning point.
He makes the first step, calling to you and convicting you, by the Spirit.
You take the next one, in repentance.
So come home, saved sinner, and He will renew your days.
— Tyler