From John 19: Finished

“It is finished.” (v. 30)

What is “finished,” on the cross?

Sin’s debt is finished.

Self-justification is finished.

The works of the law are finished.

Sacrifices are finished.

Wrath is finished.

Death is finished.

Such is the singular, beautiful, awful truth of Christ on the cross. His vicarious, sacrificial, atoning death—His judgment in our place—settles every debt and balances every account. Now, those who look to the One who was lifted up (and believe!) are made whole, in Him. Nothing else is owed.

So you don’t have to strive to balance your own account. You don’t have to earn your way out or pay your debt off. Everything that every one of your sins left you owing—specifically, the just wages of death—has been paid. At the cross, the great mercy of Jesus settles it all.

It is finished.

Thank you, Jesus.

— Tyler