From John 16: Christianity’s Most Confounding Truth

“Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you.” (v. 7)

It is, perhaps, the most confounding truth.

Jesus—Son of God and Son of Man, our Rabbi and Teacher, who healed and who fed and who raised to life when He walked among us—says that it’s a good thing that He has gone to the Father. He says it’s good for us! In fact, He doesn’t just say it’s good—He says it’s better!

Everything I’ve read about Jesus in history causes me to say, “Say what!” I’m just as confused as the Twelve!

That is, until I remember the rest of Jesus’ promise: He says it’ll be better for us…because the Counselor is coming. Indeed, for believers, the Counselor—the Holy Spirit—has come!

Why is that better?

Because Jesus’ Spirit isn’t beside us. He’s in us. Everywhere we go, into every circumstance we face, and through every confusion or question or complication, the Holy Spirit speaks. He reminds us of Christ’s victory and Christ’s authority. He strengthens us. He convicts us of sin, so that we can repent, before we make bigger messes. He speaks through us, so that our family and friends and neighbors can hear the truth, however inadequate we feel to the task. And His miracle still flow to and from our lives.

The Spirit in us is the maximal fulfillment of Jesus’ goodness. That’s confoundingly better.

— Tyler