From 1 Peter 4: Use It!

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.” (v. 10)

I don’t know what it is, but I know you’ve got it.

God, in His grace and His live and His creativity, has given you a gift. It’s something specific to you: a way to serve, a way to love, the means to give, a thing to share. You have received of His diverse grace in a particular way.

Imagine if His grace made all of us exactly alike, if His redemption in Christ reshaped us with a Christian cookie cutter. That would be dreadfully boring! How could those people and that church sharpen one another while serving their neighbors? Where would the dynamism of our worship and service and prayers and hospitality and generosity and compassion all come from? We’d be flat!

Thank God for His diverse grace, then, which saves us by one Name to be one body of many parts. Because you and I are gifted differently—under the same Lord—we can serve with dynamic beauty. Some will teach, some will sing, some will heal—and many will serve in brilliantly creative ways, according to their gifting. That’s what makes the church so great!

Which brings me to the point:

Use your gifts.

Whatever it is, add it to the body. Volunteer it. Communicate it. And jump in.

It’s poor stewardship otherwise. And it robs the church—and the needy world.

— Tyler