From 1 Peter 2: Silencing Ignorance

“For it is God’s will that you silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good.” (v. 15)

You’ve tried arguing, but that didn’t work.

You’ve tried politics, but that’s been a uniform letdown.

You’ve tried posting incisive content on social media, but it’s changed nothing.

You keep trying to silence ignorance with words…but ignorance rages on.

So try this:

Silence the world’s ignorance by doing good, in Christ.

Their slander can’t touch you if the evidence of your life disproves it. They can say whatever they want, but your testimony leaves nothing but generosity, servanthood, and compassion in its wake. They keep throwing words at you; you keep loving in the light of Christ.

When all their slander—borne of all their darkness—doesn’t shut up your Jesus-loving, neighbor-serving story, it falls silent.

Don’t let ignorance derail that. Serve on!

— Tyler