From 2 Timothy 3: The “All” of Persecution

“In fact, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (v. 12)

It’s unequivocal.


As in, “All who live a godly life will be persecuted.”

This should raise some questions: Do you already see it around you? Have you tasted persecution for godliness yourself? How are we even defining “persecution”—and how are we defining “godly,” while we’re at it?

Two thoughts:

First, don’t water down the idea of persecution. Persecution isn’t political disaffection or disagreement. It isn’t rainbow flags or pornographic media. It isn’t even secularized school curricula. Persecution is the endangerment of freedom, relationships, and home for faithfulness. Go slow with claiming it.

Second, godliness isn’t merely moral abstention. It’s not hiding behind the church’s fortress walls. It’s not finger-wagging. Godliness is the pure pursuit of Christ’s Kingdom, calling others to repent as you yourself have repented. It’s a convictional, contrasting life, lived for Him where others don’t. Godliness isn’t a retreat into Christianity; it’s being rooted in Christ.

Everyone who lives like that will be persecuted here.

Which prompts the big question:

Are we part of the “all”?

— Tyler