From 2 Timothy 1: Hold on to the Truth

“Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (v. 13)

A professor once told me, “If you’re the first person to read it that way, you’re wrong.”

When it comes to truth—to the Word, to its message, to the Gospel we are called to guard—we aren’t talking about something new or novel. It has been given, taught, and proclaimed for two millennia. The Spirit still leads interpreters toward insightful illustrations, but the thing itself is unchanged and unchanging.

Paul, to encourage Timothy, warns the young man with a warning that is still relevant today: Hold onto to the teaching you have received! Don’t fall for every novel reinterpretation!

The plain truth roots us to the beginning while pointing us forward. And, by grace through the Spirit, that truth which has guarded and guided every faithful generation is sufficient for your generation, too.

Paul’s words are a caution to every interpreter since. May we listen as we are taught, may we pass every interpretation through the rubric of the Bible, and may we stand as another generation who have guarded it…while also giving it.

— Tyler