“For I will forgive their wrongdoing, and I will never again remember their sins.” (v. 12)
Consider the miracle:
(When we taught our kids what a miracle is, we defined it as a thing only God can do. Just in case that helps here.)
Consider the miracle:
God, because of Christ, forgives your sin…and forgets it.
You and I are incapable of forgetting. We remember it all. In fact, in remembering, the enemy constantly seeks to leverage our shame and rob our confidence.
We might say a lot about forgiveness, but we never forget.
But here is the miracle: God does! He forgives, because Christ’s atonement is sufficient, and you receive it by His grace through faith. And He forgets, because heaven’s record of it is literally erased, and you are conformed to Christ’s image.
In other words, when you stand before Him, He won’t see you the way you remember you. He’ll see Jesus the way He remembers Him.
Freedom from what you can’t forget is hard to come by. Just remember that you’re the only one remembering.
— Tyler