From 1 Timothy 4: Training Benefits

“For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (v. 8)

I work out some. And I can attest:

It is of limited benefit.

Don’t get me wrong: It’s worthwhile. I feel better, I am stronger, and I remain healthier overall.

But does working out solve everything? Or are its effects permanent?

Certainly not.

Which is why we have to be reminded that there is a better pursuit, a better training, a better exercise. While honing your physical self through physical disciplines has some benefit, honing your spirit through spiritual discipline is better. Those efforts bring everlasting effects: wisdom and purity and generosity and service and witness. The physical is beneficial in a limited way, here and now. The spiritual is beneficial in every way, here and hereafter.

So, yeah, do a bit of both—but don’t neglect the greater.

— Tyler