From Hebrews 3: Warnings Abound

“But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin’s deception.” (v. 13)

Alongside the thesis (“Jesus is better”), Hebrews features a theme.

And—not gonna lie—it isn’t very popular.

The theme is warning.

There is a consistent reminder—rooted in history, but relevant in the moment—that our faithfulness matters. It tells the truth about our belief and about our salvation. And, when it is absent or invisible or abandoned, that means something.

You’ll hear it again and again in these chapters.

So what should we do about it?

We shouldn’t just try to believe harder. Every one of us comes up against times of fear and doubt and failure. And what we need then isn’t just a reminder to be a better believer. What we need is to be surrounded by believers!

Our mutual encouragement, our shared burdens, our prophetic reminders, our faithful accountability, and our willing help all buoy whichever one of us is unmoored for a season. So stay in each other’s lives! And let’s keep each other from living up to Hebrews’ warnings.

— Tyler