From Romans 8: The Hope

“Now in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees?” (v. 24)

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Romans 8 is the master text on the sovereignty of God in salvation. By inspiration, the apostle Paul unfolds the Gospel reality, a reality that is wholly rooted in the good and gracious ministry of God in Christ for us.

Was that too wordy? Then try this:

The Good News is the message of hope—and that hope is better than and beyond anything you see in this world.

The world is bent toward condemnation. In Christ, we have the hope of justification.

The world is bent toward satisfying the flesh. In Christ, we have the hope of the Spirit.

The world is bent toward death. In Christ, we have the hope of life, everlasting and undimmed.

The world is bent toward suffering and resignation. In Christ, we have the hope of glorification.

The world is bent toward everyone being his or her best self. In Christ, we have the hope of being shaped for Christlikeness, by grace.

The world is bent toward earning it. In Christ, we have the hope of God’s salvation gift, freely given.

I don’t hope for what I see here. I hope for all of this, which is all of God.

And that’s the heart of the Gospel.

— Tyler