“When he arrived, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him and brought many serious charges that they were not able to prove.” (v. 7)
Have you heard the kinds of things they’re saying about you?
That you’re bigoted? That you’re hateful? That you and your religion are just after power, influence, and money? That you think men should dominate, and women belong in denim skirts?
Have you heard the kinds of things they’re saying about you, your family, and your faith?
Guess what:
It comes to nothing. They can’t prove any of these charges, because they aren’t true. (Unless they are, in which case your bigger concern is repentance, not reputation.) They hurl all kinds of tweets and media hits and criticisms at you. But anyone who is paying even a little attention sees them all easily disproved.
You and I will live in the middle of that confusion, accusation, and frustration until Jesus comes (or until we go to Him).
Don’t fear them. Just keep the faith, with humility and honesty.
— Tyler