From Romans 15: Overflowing

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (v. 13)

If this ends up sounding like projection—from me, onto you—I apologize. I just wonder of your Christian life is starting to look like mine.

You see, we comprehend what the believing life ought to be like. We talk about joy and peace and hope, all of which are rooted in Christ alone, and we live as if we love to serve. The challenge is that church life asks a lot. And, because we know we ought to serve and give and go, we do.

That often tires us out. The Christian experience ends up predominated by service—and our joy and peace and hope get swallowed up.

When is the last time you prayed this prayer? The prayer for God the Holy Spirit to fill you with His joy and His peace? The prayer for and overflow of hope through you? The prayer for a life that is marked not just by willing service, but also by abundant grace?

I’m tired of merely being tired for the Lord. I’m praying this prayer now. And I’m hoping you’ll pray it, too—because anything He calls us to together will resonate with goodness, so long as we are overflowing with His hope.

— Tyler