From Mark 1: Foundation

“‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’” (v. 15)

Mark’s gospel is direct, active, and crystal clear.

In relating the apostle Peter’s testimony, the inspired writer penned an account of the life and work of Jesus the Christ, so the generations after their own would know Him and believe.

And, in his to-the-point style, Mark records Jesus’ earliest preaching theme:

“Repent. And believe.”

We’re all about the “believe” part. The news is so good—the gift of salvation by grace through faith, afforded by the death and burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus—that we readily encourage and embrace belief. “Just believe!”, we say.

But the message from the first has always been, “Repent and believe.”

That’s how our belief is made evident. That’s how our hearts are made ready. That’s how our faith is fleshed out. Repentance—turning around from sin, as a forgiven people—is fundamental, not optional.

As you begin exploring this gospel, keep that truth as your foundation—because it is Jesus’ foundation.

— Tyler