From Mark 16: The Victor

“So the Lord Jesus, after speaking to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.” (v. 19)

The Gospel of Mark has given us Jesus the Teacher. It has given us Jesus the Healer. It has given us Jesus the Authority and Jesus the Giver and Jesus the Prophet.

The Gospel of Mark has given us a thorough picture of Jesus, even up to Jesus the Christ as Sovereign.

How does it end?

With Jesus the Victor.

He is there in heaven, risen and ascended and seated. He is where He promised us He would be, at the Father’s right hand. He is glorified, magnified, and dignified with the name above every name.

Jesus is victorious!

Rest in that. Cherish that. And live for Him, worshiping and serving and telling, for His continued glory.

By grace, we get to know who He is, in the Word. Let it drive you in this world.

— Tyler