From Mark 10: An Answer

“Then Jesus answered him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ ‘Rabboni,’ the blind man said to him, ‘I want to see.’” (v. 51)

Do you have an answer?

Right now? Today? To the big question?

If Jesus were to call your name and ask, “What would you have me do for you?”, would you be ready to respond?

The blond man knew what he wanted—what he needed—so he asked. No veiled language. No hesitation. No prayerful gymnastics about how grateful he was for everything he already had.

Jesus asked. He answered.

When’s the last time you simply told Jesus what you, in your estimation, need?

Yes, His grace is sufficient. Yes, we will rejoice always, even if His answer is “no” or “not yet.” And, yes, we rest in the fact that this life’s circumstances are not all there is.

But we still ought to be ready with an answer, because He is already asking.

“What would you have me do for you?”

Pray your answer today.

— Tyler