From Acts 19: Another Kind of Evangelism

”In this way the word of the Lord spread and prevailed.” (v. 20)

How did the Word of the Lord spread in Ephesus way back when?

Certainly we look to Paul, to his faithful preaching in the synagogue and in the municipal center, because faith comes by hearing what is preached.

But that’s not the only testimony we’re told about in Acts 19.

We’re told that droves of people repented of the stuff of earth. They laid down their pagan practices. They sold their ungodly things—even if they were highly valuable. In response to the Word of God, the people shifted their values away from cultural norms and preoccupations, and they shifted them toward obedience to Christ.

Remember, then, that every time you opt out of what the world worships—every time you sell off their stuff to draw nearer to Christ—it’s a testimony.

Your repentance is part of the evangelism.

— Tyler