From Acts 2: One Big Truth

“God raised him up, ending the pains of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by death.” (v. 24)

The Gospel is unquestionably rich.

We cling to its promise of forgiveness. We treasure its assurance of salvation. We hold onto its hope—and we learn to live and move and worship accordingly.

The Gospel is rich.

But it really does come down to just one gift:

The pains of death are done.

Because Christ has died for us, has been buried and has been raised, the one big thing we all ought to dread—death—is no longer dreadful. There is no pain there anymore. There is neither judgment nor condemnation for those who are in Christ. Sin’s steepest penalty is removed, and Jesus’ greatest mercy has come. In Him we have life everlasting!

Yes, the day-to-day of life in the light of the Gospel demands our faithful attention. The Good News fills out our purposes in prayer and worship and giving and service. But as we do those things by grace—and as we hold them forth, so that others might respond in faith—don’t forget the one big truth.

In Christ, death is done. And, in Christ, life is yours.

— Tyler