“The Lord’s hand was with them, and a large number who believed turned to the Lord.” (v. 21)
Let’s be honest:
Sharing the Gospel can be a daunting task.
Whether you’re using an evangelistic method or sharing your testimony or simply relating the sure truth of the Scriptures, it’s a little bit intimidating. Sure, there are the nerves and the unsteadiness and the sense of inadequacy, which are hard enough to overcome. But there is also the unknown of the other—and we really don’t have the ability to move, change, or save people in our own strength.
That makes the whole thing a daunting task.
Which is why we ought to find the account in Acts encouraging…
…because, for all their bold willingness, Jesus’ church only grew because His hand was on them.
The moving, changing, saving work is His. He puts His hand on people who, though they have big questions and big concerns, share the Gospel in their own meager ability. And it is His hand that sees it through!
Don’t fall into the trap of presuming you have to be smart enough, slick enough, or put-together enough to communicate the Good News of Jesus—because you can stay trapped there! Instead, pray, and open yourself to moments where His hand can work through your weakness.
— Tyler