From Matthew 14: Where Peter’s Eyes Go

“But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’” (v. 30)

Our problem is, we’ve got eyes that go where Peter’s went.

We look at our health.

We look at our responsibilities.

We look at our budgets and our debts and our earning potential.

We look up from the bottom of the pits we dug in sin. We see our relationships strained and our children flailing and our spouses distant.

We stand at the foot of the steep mountain of calling, unwilling to move, for weakness.

All we see is the strength of the waves.

And when your eyes go there, like Peter, you sink.

So get your eyes on Jesus! Read, and remember His faithfulness. Pray first about Him—to Him, in worship and in trust—before you consider the rest of your list. Stop being too busy for life together in Christian community, where we grow together as Jesus’ body, manifest on the earth.

Get your eyes off of the waves and onto Him!

— Tyler