From Matthew 20: Comparison and Compensation

“‘Don’t I have the right to do what I want with what is mine? Are you jealous because I’m generous?’” (v. 15)

An important Kingdom principle:

You need to be less concerned about what your brother has, what your brother gets.

Comparison will wreck your gratitude. If you spend your life wondering why someone else gets the bigger paycheck or the nicer house or the fuller church, you’ll miss the point, because you both have Jesus—which means you both have everything!

The Lord, in His goodness, has not failed to provide precisely what He promised. You, whether you’ve known Him your whole life or only came to Him at the end, have the freely given grace-gift of forgiveness. You have a new heart in the Spirit. And you have heaven! Same as every brother and sister, you have all the Master’s goodness, paid into your account.

So stop comparing all the other stuff! Some will have more. Some will have less, on the earth. And some will ride the waves. But none of that changes the Gospel’s bottom line—nor does any of that last.

Be less concerned about what your brother gets. Instead, be grateful for the gift, as it comes to everyone without prejudice.

— Tyler