From Revelation 13: Worship Tells the Truth

“All those who live on the earth will worship it, everyone whose name was not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered.” (v. 8)

Here’s a helpful shorthand:

Worship tells the truth.

It is hardly a novel realization: Everyone worships something. We are wired for it. And, though we might wish for unity on the matter, the reality is that there are a lot of “somethings” that capture the hearts of the world.

Worship tells the truth.

Translation: We’ll know whose you are—and whose you aren’t—based on your life of worship.

If we only know you by your politics, it tells us something. If we only know which fanbase you belong to, it tells us something. If we can file your name under any number of personalities or movements or trends on the earth, it tells us the truth.

Those who are genuinely God’s, by grace, will worship Him—even as options on the earth multiply, and even as they grow in popular allure. And, if you’re wrapped up in worldly worship, it’ll be hard to make the case that you’re actually His. Worship tells us the truth.

We don’t have to wonder too hard about Revelation’s beasts to get the point here and now.

What does your worship life tell us today?

— Tyler