From Matthew 2: Signposts of Joy

“When they saw the star, they were overwhelmed with joy.” (v. 10)

I want you to give especial attention to what causes the wise men’s joy.

I think that we think that what sparks their joy is seeing the Child. And, of course, it is obvious by their worship that the baby Jesus overjoys them.

But the text explicitly says that it is something else that overwhelms them with joy:

The star.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

It’s not just the object of our worship that cheers us, enlivens us. Sometimes the comforting revelation that we are on the right track sweeps us up into joy.

It’s why, when you return to the worshiping community, you are comforted.

It’s why, when you turn from sin and taste the freer life lived rightly, your spirit brightens.

It’s why, when you open the Word and are pointed home, your heart is settled.

The signposts of an on-track, Jesus-purposed, toward-Him and toward-Home life bring joy on the way. Keep your eyes on them—keep your heart toward Him—and rejoice!

— Tyler