From 1 John 5: Us Against the World

“Who is the one who conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (v. 5)

Your problem isn’t just that the world is a mess.

Your problem is that that messy world keeps on looking like it’s winning.

People wander in darkness. Sin multiplies. Cultures and societies abandon Creation order. Politicians are figured as saviors. And you’re caught in the waves, tossed by illnesses and debts and doubts, struggling to see the shore.

That’s…a lot.

And, on all those battlegrounds, it’s easy to feel defeated.


Don’t neglect the goodness of the Good News you’ve believed. Jesus, who has overcome the world, has rescued you. All of it passes away, but His Word remains. You, who have turned from sin and trusted Him, are made into more than a conqueror. You, by grace, are a victor—whose crown is in heaven, whose hopes are higher, and whose confidence cannot be shaken.

Your faith, which is Christ’s gift, wins in the world. Everything the world can throw at you comes to nothing. You are bound for victory in Him!

(Now go and live like it. Your neighbor needs the love of someone who can show them the way out of here.)

— Tyler